2SLGBTQIA+ Resources

LGBTQ2SIA+ Affirming Therapists

A list of therapists who are LGBTQ2SIA+ or allies, and who work from an anti-oppressive framework.

Trans ID Clinic

Clinic that helps guide you through the process of changing name and gender markers on IDs

Inside Out

Canada’s largest LGBTQ2SIA+ film festival.

LGBT Kids Booklist

Children’s books that have LGBTQ2SIA+ themes and characters.

Two Spirit Resources

Two Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQIA+ community resources

Asian Queer Alliance

Community events and programming by and for Asian folks of marginalized genders in Toronto

Ultimate GTA Trans Resource List

Transgender services, professionals, programs and supports in the GTA

Sherbourne Health Centre

Resources for LGBTQ2SIA+ and harm reduction health services

Glad Day Bookshop

The oldest queer bookstore in the world, offering a wide selection of LGBTQ2SIA+ books, as well as community events.

Toronto Bi+ Network

A community where bisexuals, pansexuals, 2 spirit, fluid and other non-monosexual people, and those questioning their sexuality, can share diverse perspectives and common experiences.

LGBT Youthline

Confidential, nonjudgemental LGBTQ2SIA+ peer support phone line and live chat. Call: 647-964-4275.

Rainbow Faith and Freedom

Organization and resources on 2SLGBTQIA+ spirituality and faith

519 Community Centre

LGBTQ2SIA+ community centre with recreational programs, counselling services, queer parenting resources, coming out groups, trans programming, senior’s support, and more.

Gender Affirming Doctors

A list of gender affirming physicians in the Greater Toronto Area.

Bi+ Arts Festival

An arts festival and creative community for bisexual spectrum identified people.

Sunshine Seniors Centre

Recreational programming for seniors, including the Rainbow Circle and Rainbow Bridges programs for LGBTQ2SIA+ seniors.

Trans Lifeline

A trans-led hotline and resources for trans* folks.

LGBTQ+ Legal Initiatives

Nonprofit legal help for 2SLGBTQIA+ people